Privacy Policy

Types of information you provide

If you choose to purchase from or register with

Privacy Policy

Types of information you provide

If you choose to purchase from or register with Health and Safety Malta you can be asked for personal information such as your name, address, e-mail address, your sex, job, phone number and age. The required information in this privacy policy is referred to as "Personal Information". You may also provide other information, at your sole discretion, which information is referred to as "Optional Information". You do not have to provide the Optional Information. However, if you do not do so, this may limit our ability to provide you with a specific service or offer you specific personalised content. Please note that you may be able to access and partially use Health and Safety Malta sites without providing your Personal Information and/or Optional Information but you may not be able to access certain parts of Health and Safety Malta  sites, which require your Personal Information.

Why should you share Personal Information?

Sharing your Personal Information with Health and Safety Malta enables us to offer you a number of benefits. It will make it easier and more convenient for you to:

  • register your purchase so you can receive all the benefits to which your purchase entitles you;
  • request information specific to your interest;
  • receive personalized messages and special offers that are relevant to your interests;
  • save time by storing your preferences;
  • buy Safety First Aid products online;

What does Health and Safety Malta do with the data it collects?

Whenever Health and Safety Malta collects Personal Information and/or Optional Information (collectively "User Information"), it is intended to provide a service - tailored to or improved for - the visitors to our site. From the data collected we can offer content, based on the user's preferences. We analyse what our users prefer in order to improve the service. It will also allow us to conduct market research to help us develop better products, to provide more responsive customer service and to improve our websites.

When you register for an Health and Safety Malta service, we collect your User Information in order to provide you with specific services and to personalise your experience on the site. We may use information you have given us for marketing and promotional purposes, such as mailings, announcing new Health and Safety Malta products and services or making promotional offers. We might also contact you to see if you are interested in participating in market research regarding Health and Safety Malta . It is our policy to send mailings only to customers who give us permission to do so.

When sending you mailings, we will also include instructions on how to unsubscribe and avoid receiving any future mailings from us.

User Information collected via our websites may be linked with information you provided Health and Safety Malta through other sources such as product registration, hotlines, promotion, contests and public events. Health and Safety Malta may transfer User Information across country borders within the European Union for the purpose of consolidation and storage of data or for the purpose of simplified customer information management in general.

What choices are available regarding collection, use and distribution of the information (Opt-In Policy)?

In accordance with EU legislation, the Health and Safety Malta sites provide you with the opportunity to "opt-in" to receive communications (email and mail) from us (or our partners), at the time we ask you for this information. In addition, whenever we contact you via email or mail, we will also provide instructions on how to unsubscribe so that you will not receive any future emails or mail from us if you choose.

With whom does Health and Safety Malta share data?

Health and Safety Malta does not sell, rent or lease the User Information to others. We will share your data with All Sport Medical group companies within Europe and may do so with (third-party) companies working on our behalf. Third parties may be contracted if necessary to provide services, support or communications you requested or to perform the activities as described above in 'What does Health and Safety Malta do with the data it collects'.

If Health and Safety Malta contracts third-parties they are always required to keep and hold the disclosed personal data confidential and exclusively for the purpose to carry out the services on behalf of Health and Safety Malta . In addition, they are required to abide by Health and Safety Malta privacy policy and by the data protection laws within Europe.

Health and Safety Malta will not disclose User Information to any other third parties unless:

  • Health and Safety Malta has your explicit consent to share the information;
  • Health and Safety Malta believes in good faith that it is required to provide User Information in accordance with law, court order or other legal procedure;
  • Health and Safety Malta believes -in good faith- that such disclosure of User Information is necessary to protect the rights and properties of Health and Safety Malta;
  • Health and Safety Malta merges or is acquired by another business entity or some or all of our respective assets are purchased. If this situation occurs Health and Safety Malta will make every reasonable effort to notify you within a reasonable time.

As previously mentioned, you may choose not to provide us with any of the information we request, though this may limit our ability to provide you with a specific service or limit our ability to offer personalised content.

Sometimes Health and Safety Malta obtains your User Information from other parties outside Health and Safety Malta. This includes the buying of a business of which you are already a customer or the disclosure of your Personal Information by one of our partner companies. If you do not want us to use your User Information, which you have not provided to us yourself, you can let us know by contacting us at the address listed below.


We generally hold User Information until such time you unsubscribe to our service or until the expiry of any period required by applicable law. In addition, we shall not retain User Information longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

Your rights and obligations

Health and Safety Malta strives to keep your Personal Information accurate. You are required to correctly register Personal Information as of the date of registration. If your Personal Information changes after the registration, you are requested to immediately change/update your Personal Information. Neglecting to do so may result in failure to receive any service, notice or information from Health and Safety Malta . Please refer to the registration instructions for the Health and Safety Malta site you are visiting.

You may have reasonable access to the User Information relating to you that we hold and you may also ask us to rectify or delete this information. You have the opportunity to completely unsubscribe from all of Health and Safety Malta services. Because Health and Safety Malta sells products in numerous countries, you may have previously provided us with Personal Information through reply cards, call centres or in some other manner. Your decision not to register now will not affect the Personal Information you have already provided to Health and Safety Malta. Of course, you will always have the option to unsubscribe from any online contact from Health and Safety Malta or change your Personal Information.


Cookies are pieces of information about a website user, stored on the user's computer, ready to be accessed on future visits to the website. There are two types of cookies, 'session based cookies' and 'persistent cookies'. Session based cookies only reside in memory; this means, when you close your browser the cookie will be gone. Persistent cookies on the other hand remain on your computer.

Health and Safety Malta may use both types of cookies, depending on the specific site. We use the information collected via session based cookies to improve content and usage of the site. We use persistent cookies in order to deliver appropriate content on future visits and save you time.

If you do not want to accept cookies you are able to refuse, selectively accept or delete them (if they are already stored) via your internet browser. Please use the help tool of your browser to find out how to achieve this.

If you choose to block cookies some features of our website will not function.

Web beacons

Some of our websites and email updates may contain electronic images called web beacons, sometimes known as one pixel GIFs, clear GIFs or pixel tags. On web sites, these allow us to count visitors who have viewed our pages. In promotional email messages/newsletters they allow us to count how many subscribers have read them. Web beacons allow us to develop statistical information about the activities and features that most interest our consumers for the purpose of providing more personalized content. They are not used to access personally identifiable information without your consent.

Procedures designed to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of information under Health and Safety Malta's control. Health and Safety Malta is committed to ensuring the security of your User Information. Health and Safety Malta has taken measures to prevent unauthorized access and/or disclosure. Amongst others we keep User Information in a secured server and we ensure that information is accessible only to the user who has initially entered the information, to authorised Health and Safety Malta personnel and to our partner companies (as explained above).

Health and Safety Malta shall not be responsible for any loss or damage (including contents, services, up-dates, change of any terms of use/privacy policy of such linked sites) however caused, in connection with your use of any linked site. Your access to any of the linked sites is at your own sole risk.

Credit card transactions

We care about the safety and security of your transaction. All transactions are processed using Protx and HTTPS encryption with VeriSign verification. We do not store any transactional data, only your purchase history.

Contacting us

To contact Health and Safety Malta refer to our [Link to contact form] in case you would like to:

  • ask us any question regarding our privacy policy;
  • request a copy of your Personal Information, or change or delete your Personal Information;

Removing your name from our mailing list

You may ask us at any time to remove your name and address from any future mailings, including new product announcements and special offers, by sending us an e-mail. Please send your request, showing your full name and address to

Other important Health and Safety Malta information

Please read through any associated Terms of Use applicable to certain Health and Safety Malta sites as well.

you can be asked for personal information such as your name, address, e-mail address, your sex, job, phone number and age. The required information in this privacy policy is referred to as "Personal Information". You may also provide other information, at your sole discretion, which information is referred to as "Optional Information". You do not have to provide the Optional Information. However, if you do not do so, this may limit our ability to provide you with a specific service or offer you specific personalised content. Please note that you may be able to access and partially use Health and Safety Malta sites without providing your Personal Information and/or Optional Information but you may not be able to access certain parts of Health and Safety Malta sites, which require your Personal Information.

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